
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering NON-TENURE-TRACK FACULTY RECRUITMENT


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Department of Electrical Engineering at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST) invite applications from outstanding candidates for foreign non-tenure-track faculty positions (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor). Applicants of all disciplines in the electrical engineering and computer science are welcome, but those in the Power, Energy, and Related Areas will be given priority. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering, or other related fields. Responsibilities include conducting classes in English at the graduate level, and implementing a strong research program that involves supervision of graduate students and acquisition of research grants. Applicants should submit the following documents (hard copies by post mail or the corresponding PDF files by e-mail) before February 15, 2023 Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Search Committee Department of Electrical Engineering National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Kaohsiung City, 87618 Taiwan E-mail: Phone: +886-7-3814526 ext. 15555 or 15551 Fax: +886-7-3921073 URL: 1. a certification of nationalities (Please provide photocopies of the passport or resident certificates).; 2. a curriculum vitae and a copy of Ph.D. diploma; 3. a publication list over the recent three years; (Please list the journals published and IF value and Rank by JIF as well as corresponding author in detail and specify if the academic journals are indexed in SCI or other indexes) 4. a copy of academic and/or industry professional appointments; 5. representative publications up to 5 papers; 6. a list of the projects you were involved; 7. Ph.D. program transcript (for fresh Ph.D. applicants only); 8. a statement of teaching and research plans; 9. two recommendation letters; 10.other supporting materials. * items 1 to 9 are required. * please annotate the application position.     National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering NON-TENURE-TRACK FACULTY RECRUITMENT